March 14, 2025 PD Day
Friday March 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Creating a trauma-sensitive classroom fosters an environment for all students to learn because educators are uniquely positioned to help students overcome challenges and build resilience. Participants will review preliminary information and definition of terms and explore ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) before delving into academic instruction techniques and relationship building for teaching students impacted by trauma. This workshop will also examine misconceptions about trauma, the effect trauma has on the brain, and review common challenges when working with students impacted by trauma. Participants will have an opportunity to share and reflect on their current practices and to learn ways to improve their self-care to ensure that the classroom is a safe space for all learners to grow.

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID 825 3244 6113
Passcode 730929

About the Speaker: Lisa Kingkade, LMHC, M.Ed., (she/her) is a dedicated educational leader with over two decades of experience in supporting the social and emotional well-being of students. Until recently, she worked within the Milford Public Schools system, where she held a variety of key roles, including adjustment counselor at Milford High School, Assistant Principal of Stacy Middle School, Assistant Principal of Woodland, and ultimately, Director of Social Emotional Learning. Throughout her career, Lisa demonstrated a strong commitment to equity, serving also as the District McKinney-Vento/Foster Care Liaison, 504 District Coordinator, and Civil Rights Coordinator, working to ensure all students had access to the resources they needed to succeed. 

Friday March 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
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